about us


Save Andaman Network


Support and strengthen the participation of local fishers and the community in marine and coastal resource management
SAN was formed through the collaboration of six social development organizations to help coastal communities recover and build resilience from the devastating aftereffects of the 2004 tsunami. Since then we have continued to develop our impact to support coastal livelihoods in ways that protect people and nature.


1. Support knowledge development on sustainable resource management and coastal community conservation
2. Drive locally led conservation, restoration and sustainable resource activities and management plans
3. Strengthen the socio-economic resilience and culture of coastal community groups
4. Promote and foster cooperation in sustainable development among public and private sector stakeholders

5. Political neutrality. SAN is not affiliated with a political party



Strengthen locally led management and build networks by elevating community participation at all decision levels.


Restore and provide assistance on community re-habitation, livelihoods and quality of life for coastal communities that align with environmental protection and restoration.

Self - management

Develop sustainable long-term community resilience by building community focused natural resource and marine management plans, improving self-governance and developing community development funds.


Past crises and problems in this area, such as overfishing, land tenure conflicts and poor water quality, represent opportunities to learn, adapt and build natural resource management plans in new and more effective ways.